
Yeah, that went from tentative first steps to walking pretty quickly.  I’m guessing in one more week he’ll be full on walking everywhere.

Also:  Isaac is goofy.

– Papa-D

First Steps

Okay well Isaac has started taking his first baby steps.  We’ve tried capturing it on video… oh how we’ve tried.  I’ve deleted tons of videos of him not walking as he was walking towards me to see what I was doing.  He’s an a-hole like that, and we love him for it.  I think he gets it from me.

Anyways, here are a few first tentative steps.  When we get a video of him doing better, we’ll be sure to post it.

– Papa-D

Walking and Talking!

Isaac turned 11 months two days ago and it made me realize that I haven’t done an update on here in a really long time! We’ve been pretty good about keeping in touch with Safta/PopPop and also Ong/Ba Ngoai, so we haven’t felt the need to super keep everyone in the loop with all of Isaac’s new developments. But for those who do care, here’s a post for you!

Isaac is walking! Just a few days shy of turning 11 months, Isaac started taking his first steps. We got some of it on video, but he tends to walk most when we’re not expecting it and when he doesn’t see a camera pointing at him. It is just incredible how fast he jumped from standing on his own, and then to walking! I feel like it was only days after we were cheering him for freely standing by himself that he started taking baby steps. So far, he’s able to taking maybe 10-15 steps before landing on his very padded tushy.

Isaac’s been saying “mamama” and “dadada”. He kind of says it all the time, but when he does want either Dan or myself, he will look at us and will say a very clear, “Dada” or “Mama”. His new thing that we’ve officially decided is not a fluke is that he is able to say bye-bye when someone says good-bye to him. He did it once when we dropped him off at day care on Friday, but we weren’t super sure if it was intentional. Well, today when his Ba Ngoai was saying good-bye to him after hanging out together on Skype, he waved his hand at the camera and said “bah-bah”. And it happened again when his Uncle Buckley was leaving to the market and Isaac heard me say “bye” to him. Isaac immediately started waving from his playpen and said “bah-bah”!

So very big developments for Month 10, I must say!

Mama vs. Isaac

Jenny likes to say that Isaac looks like me, but I wouldn’t be so sure…

– Papa-D

Silly Buddy

Here are a couple of videos of Isaac being silly this morning.

– Papa-D

Chill Saturday

Fireworks and Cheese

A funny story:  we have a little phone app called “Baby Fireworks”.  About 5 fireworks launch up onto the screen and then spin around until you (or presumably your baby) touch them, then they pop and are replaced.  We were showing Issac how it works and he was having problems hitting them with his finger.  In fact, one time he missed the screen all together!

To help him along, Jenny took his finger and used it to touch the fireworks.  We then let go and told him to try again.  He went right for Jenny’s hand and used her finger to touch the fireworks!  It was hilarious!

In other news, we were surprised to discover yesterday that Isaac knows how to make a “Cheese!” face when you point a camera at him.  It doesn’t work with a phone camera or with my big SLR, but point-and-shoot does it every time.  We assume he learned it at day care.  Check it out; it’s adorable.


– Papa-D

10 Month Roundup

Sorry for not updating as often as we should be. You know… Moving to another state, new job, baby, life… Anyway, here are a few pictures inbetween those busy times.